Friday, March 26, 2010

Caprica: The tobacco industries favorite show!

Caprica would be a lot better & more enjoyable if it wasn't an hour long ad for the tobacco industry. I can't watch an episode without getting sick. They seem to put more visual focus on the smoking than they do on whats happening in the story half the time. I get that it's supposed to show the negative aspects of humans, a representation of their sins. I get that it is supposed to tie in with the struggle of rather they should worship multiple God's or just One, but they can show how humans suck in better ways.

The holo-band addictions is a great example, as is the prejudice between the various colonies. Those show the failings of humans, and are a lot more interesting and powerful images. Yet instead of focusing on that, they make it a point to show every cigarette that Amanda Greystone smokes. It's ridiculous. I could handle it if the Caprica culture were all raging drunks, but the fact that they are all chain-smokers, and sometimes worse, (they're like chimneys!) constantly takes me out of the story.

Hopefully next season will be better, I can't be the only one that is annoyed by this, and I can't be the only person who sees no benefit of constantly showcasing that vice!